Meet Professional Care You Can Trust
We Provide Care
We trace our success as a company to the simple and enduring philosophy that ageing is a gift. The wealth of knowledge and experience that comes with age is a gift to the individual & the family.
These support items provide a participant who requires High Intensity Supports to provide assistance with, or supervision of, personal tasks of daily life to develop the skills of the participant to live as autonomously as possible in circumstances where a more skilled or experienced support worker is required.
These Disability-Related Health Supports provide nursing care to respond to the disability- related health needs of a participant where that care is not the usual responsibility of the health system. They provide nursing care to respond to the disability-related health needs of a participant where that care is not the usual responsibility of the health system
This support item provides individual life skills development and training including public transport training and support, developing skills for community, social and recreational participation. It also provides training for participants in groups to increase their independence in daily personal activities.
This support item is designed to enable providers to offer new and innovative services to participant and is for mainstream providers who want to enable participants to access mainstream activities.
These support items provide assistance with, or supervision of, tasks of daily life in a shared living environment, with a focus on developing the skills of each individual to live as autonomously as possible.
Community Support Pty Ltd will assist or manage personal tasks of daily life to enable the participant to live as autonomously as possible. These supports are provided on an individual basis
NDIS participants can choose Community Support Pty Ltd to help with household tasks and any jobs they struggle with such as cleaning, dusting, mopping and washing. Community Support Pty Ltd
Community Support Pty Ltd offers participants and their carers transport to hospitals, doctors’ appointments, social visits and shopping using our staff’s fully insured and safe automobiles.
Going to group programs is an inviting and highly social way to learn and develop skills, meet new individuals and keep associated with the community.